How High Temperatures Affect Your Windows in Lee, FL

In Lee, FL, the average temperature during the day in summer is in the 90s. That level of heat can warp the frames of your windows and/or the glass itself, leading to air leaks and poorer insulation inside your home. Read on to see how the heat affects your windows.

Heat Itself

Heat causes things to expand. Because of the low thermal conductivity of the window glass, the sunlight passes through the glass, with the heat becoming trapped. This is why the sun “feels hotter” through a window. That buildup of heat is one potential reason behind any warping of your frames and/or the glass itself, eventually leading to cracks or breakage.

Rapid Temperature Changes

In our area, while the heat of the day is in the 90s, the temperature can drop after sunset, sometimes falling into the high 60s. Both the glass and your window frames contract as they cool. If one section of either the glass or the frames’ material cools slightly faster than the other sections, then it creates “tension.” Over time, this tension can break the glass and/or warp the frames, particularly if they’re wooden frames.


“Sweating” also happens when glass cools quickly and drops of water form on it. Compared to the serious damage that can eventually happen, it’s comparatively mild. But the condensation both makes it tough to see through the window in question and leaves dirt behind as it dries. Also, even though sweating is only a mild annoyance most of the time, it can still lead to flaking on wooden window frames later.

We’ve been in business for more than 15 years, so you can trust our combination of knowledge and experience when it comes to windows and window frames. To find out all about the windows that we offer at Florida Windows and Doors Inc., contact us today.

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